[Clan] [NA] [Low-Mid] [Any]

United States of America
28 August 2013
11 October 2013 - 08:08 CEST
I'm on team LuckyFkers and we are a new team to the competitive scene. We are currently playing div 4 in our first season which we are doing pretty well so far for a new team. The problem is that we do not currently have enough active players on to get more scrims and practice in than I would like to have. We have a couple of permanent starting players but we tend to rotate different players each match due to inactivity. Like I said were a new team and in div 4 so I don't require Pro status to join. Mainly you need to be active, that's a must. Competitive experience is not required but recommended. Depending on your skill and activity you can be on our starting line up, but we can talk all about that stuff later. We are mostly west coast but we have some central and east coast people as well so as long as you are north american that will do. So if you have the time to put in and are willing to work as a team then maybe this is the team for you. You can pm me or add me to steam, my steam name is Billy Talent.
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