NS2 Gather

NS2 gathers have moved to gathers.ensl.org. This page is for the real game.

DerTeppich 01:12
but i wouldnt know
DerTeppich 01:12
cause everybody already has an opinion, so i never get to play it :<
DerTeppich 01:12
cause everybody already has an opinion, so i never get to play it :<
DerTeppich 01:12
cause everybody already has an opinion, so i never get to play it
DerTeppich 01:12
cause everybody already has an opinion, so i never get to play it :<
DerTeppich 01:13
cause everybody already has an opinion, so i never get to play it :<
DerTeppich 01:13
cause everybody already has an opinion
DerTeppich 01:13
cause everybody already has an opinion