NS2 Gather

NS2 gathers have moved to gathers.ensl.org. This page is for the real game.

RayTracer 22:07
only like 3h queue
removed 22:07
Teamspeak password: ns2gather
removed 22:07
Server password: ns2nsl
Mega 22:09
3h hour queue thats what happens if you dont follow step 1) Invite peope to the Gather and step 2)
Kmacg 22:09
Mega I invited like 90 people, but people said "oh fuck mega is in gather, nevermind"
RayTracer 22:10
I dont know anyone who is interested in competitive :/
Kelmops_noBM 22:12
mega reason for no gather confirmed
Kmacg 22:13
join amsterdam