Gather Rules Formatted Differently

    1. Gather Procedures

      1. A Gather is a game of Competitive Natural Selection 2.

      2. A Gather will consist of one (1) map.

      3. Teams will play one (1) round as Alien and Marine each. The factions specified on will be played first.

      4. A Gather starts as soon as:

        1. Twelve (12) people have signed up for a gather on

        2. Two (2) team captains have been picked.

        3. The teams have been picked.

          1. The marine captain will pick the first player. After that both team captains pick two (2) players alternately, starting with the Alien captain, until no player is left.

          2. If the picking phase takes longer than ten (10), rule 1-f does not apply to the Gather anymore

      5. Each player who participates in the Gather has to join the Server within ten (10) minutes. If the players are still missing after 10 minutes, rule 1-f does not apply to the Gather anymore

      6. Once a Gather starts, each player who is participating in the Gather must play it until the end.

        1. In case of urgent reasons to leave the Gather before it ended, the player leaving has to get a substitute player, who will be replacing him.

        2. A Gather ends as soon as the winning banner of the second is displayed.

          1. The responsibility to find a substitute can be passed onto a different player, if the player agrees to take that responsibility.

          2. The substitute is treated as Gather participant, therefore all the rules apply to him.

          3. The substitute can not be denied.

          4. A player that is banned from Gathers or Website Logon by the NSL is not allowed to play as substitute. The player(s) who gets a banned player as substitute will get banned aswell.

      1. A Gather ends after two (2) rounds have been played on the chosen map

      2. Each Gather participant has to play with the same SteamID as the one on the NSL website.

      3. A Player is not allowed to queue for a Gather if he/she is participating in a currently active Gather already


    1. Code of Conduct

      1. All participants of the NSL are required to uphold and observe a universal level of fairness and sportsmanship. Any unsportsmanlike action which can include, but is not limited to racism, profanity, rude or vulgar acts, abusive remarks, and disrespect of an official are not tolerated.

      2. Teams and/or players who engage in unsportsmanlike conduct are subject to suspension, match forfeits, or any other punishment that the NSL deems necessary. Multiple and persistent infractions will be faced with stiffer consequences.

      3. Any accusations of unsportsmanlike conduct or cheating should be submitted to the League or Head Admin and will be investigated by the NSL staff.


    1. Communication

      1. Each Gather participant has to join their respective team subchannel that is located in the gather section of ENSL Teamspeak. Players that are not participating in the Gather are allowed to be in the Teamspeak channel, if tolerated by the entirety of the concerning team.

      2. The Teamspeak Channel has to be joined within 10 minutes from Gather start

      3. Each Gather participant needs to be in possession of a working microphone and has to use it during the Gather

      4. Each team needs to communicate in a language that all players in that team can understand.

        1. Default language to speak is English.

Mega on 26 January 17 22:37


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