NS1 Gather

NS2 gathers have moved to gathers.ensl.org. This page is for the real game.

Gather finished, join the Server and TeamSpeak 3.

Maps: ns_tanith, ns_shiva
Server: Sputnik-1 UK ( ; password = europe)

Click to join Server

mhm steeeew, im hungry now
GibbZ 23:56
im just waiting for Arj
GibbZ 23:57
mp more server slots
dugi 23:59
arj? is that dude alive?
AnimeLOL 00:00
ads used to stream to twitch
dugi 00:00
i bet my ass i've met him in a rave/festival in the UK but we didnt know each other
Stewy 00:15
Is there much competitive games going on or just gathers?
aldebaran- 00:15
only gathers