NS1 Gather

NS2 gathers have moved to gathers.ensl.org. This page is for the real game.

Gather finished, join the Server and TeamSpeak 3.

Maps: ns_veil, ns_origin
Server: Sputnik-1 UK ( ; password = europe)

Click to join Server

Admirable 13:21
I'm here
zups 13:21
keyzzzzz zuzkz
Saint 13:22
just so u know, Im expecting a package within 2 hrs. I have to sign for it
Saint 13:23
so i may abruptly be afk for like 30 to 45 seconds
Bacsu 13:23
Keyselol 13:25
where's my STREAM
im just plugging in my new router 1 min
jiriki 13:31
yeah adz