NSL Mod and server commands

Possible Shine commands, depending on the Server Ops preferences. If you have access to these commands, a special Admin menu will be visible by pressing M.


NSL Mod commands can also be found here.


You can find all the commands you can use by typing in the ingame console: sv_help or sh_help.



sv_nslhelp: Returns various NSL commands and their helper messages.

sv_nslinfo: <team> - marines, aliens, specs, other, all - Will return the player details from the corresponding league site.

Toggleopponentmute (or tom): This will hide the opposing teams chat messages if enabled.

stuck: Will automatically attempt to unstuck you after a few seconds.

unstuck: Will automatically attempt to unstuck you after a few seconds.

clearmercs: Chat or console command, will also clear any merc approvals for your team.

rejectmercs: Chat command, will clear any merc approvals for your team.

approvemercs: Chat command, will approve opposing teams merc(s).

mercsok: Chat or console command, will approve opposing teams merc(s).

unpause: Readies your team to resume the game.

gpause: Pauses the game.

notready: Marks your team as not ready to begin the game.

ready: Marks your team as ready to begin the game.

coinflip: Simulates a coinflip and returns heads or tails.


NSL Commands 


Gather Moderators, Referees, Casters and Admins


sv_nslcfg: <state> - disabled, gather, pcw, official - Changes the configuration mode of the NSL plugin.

sv_nslperfconfig: <config> - Changes the performance config used by the NSL plugin.

sv_nslcaptainslimit: <limit> Changes the player limit for each team in Captains mode.

sv_nslpassword: <password> - Sets the current password on the server.

sv_nslsetteamspawns: marinespawnname, alienspawnname, Spawns teams at specified locations. Locations must be exact

sv_nslpause: Will pause/unpause game using standard delays. Does not consume teams allowed pauses.

sv_nslsetpauses: <team, pauses> - Sets the number of pauses remaining for a team.

sv_nslsay: <message> - Will send a message to all connected players that displays in yellow.

sv_nsltsay: <team, message> - Will send a message to all players on the team provided that displays in yellow.

sv_nslpsay: <player, message> - Will send a message to the provided player that displays in yellow.

sv_nslfunctiondata: <player> - Will display logged client side hooks for the provided player.

sv_nslpausedisconnect: Enables automatic pausing on client disconnect.

sv_nslreplaceplayer: <newPlayer, oldPlayer> Will force different player to take crashed/disconnect players place.

sv_nsllistcachedplayers: Will list currently cached players names and steamIDs, for sv_nslreplaceplayer cmd.

sv_nslsetteamnames: <team1name, team2name> Will set the team names manually, also will prevent automatic team name updates.

sv_nslswitchteams: Will switch team names (best used if setting team names manually).

sv_nslsetteamscores: <t1score, t2score> Will set the team scores manually.

sv_nslsetteamids: <t1id, t2id> Will set the team ids manually.

sv_nslapprovemercs: <team, opt. player> - Forces approval of teams mercs, '1' approving for marines which allows alien mercs.

sv_nslclearmercs: <team> - 1,2 - Clears approval of teams mercs, '1' clearing any alien mercs.

sv_nslforcestart: <seconds> - Will force the game start countdown to start in the provided amount of seconds, or 15 if blank.

sv_nslcancelstart: Will cancel a game start countdown currently in progress.
sv_nslenforcegatherbans: Acts as an toggle. Will kick players if they are gather banned & sv_nslcfg mode is set to gather. Default is on.


Other commands


Referees and Gather Moderators 


sv_changemap: <map name>, Switches to the map specified

sv_reset: Resets the game round

sv_rrall: Forces all players to go to the Ready Room

sv_switchteam: <player id> <team number>, 0 is Ready Room, 1 is Marines, 2 is Aliens, 3 is Spectate

sv_eject: <player id>, Ejects Commander from the Command Structure

sv_kick: <player id>, Kicks the player from the server

sv_say: <message>, Sends a message to every player on the server

sv_tsay: <team number> <message>, Sends a message to one team

sv_psay: <player id> <message>, Sends a message to a single player

sv_ban: <player id> <duration in minutes> <reason text>, Bans the player from the server, pass in 0 for duration to ban forever

sv_unban: <steam id>, Removes the player matching the passed in Steam Id from the ban list




sv_changemap: <map name>, Switches to the map specified

sv_kick: <player id>, Kicks the player from the server

sv_say: <message>, Sends a message to every player on the server




sv_tournament: <true/false>, Enables or disabled tournament mode.

sv_status: Lists player Ids and names for use in sv commands

sv_statusip: Lists player Ids and names for use in sv commands

sv_changemap: <map name>, Switches to the map specified

sv_reset: Resets the game round

sv_rrall: Forces all players to go to the Ready Room

sv_randomall: Forces all players to join a random team

sv_forceeventeams: Balances teams based on previous round and Hive skill

sv_switchteam: <player id> <team number>, 0 is Ready Room, 1 is Marines, 2 is Aliens, 3 is Spectate

sv_eject: <player id>, Ejects Commander from the Command Structure

sv_kick: <player id>, Kicks the player from the server

sv_say: <message>, Sends a message to every player on the server

sv_tsay: <team number> <message>, Sends a message to one team

sv_psay: <player id> <message>, Sends a message to a single player

sv_slay: <player id>, Kills player

sv_maxbots: <max>, The server will add the max amount of bots dynamically to the teams

sv_password: <string>, Changes the password on the server

sv_cheats: <boolean>, Turns cheats on and off

sv_tests: <boolean>, Turns tests mode on and off. Grants access to commands such as nav_debug, and collision.

sv_ban: <player id> <duration in minutes> <reason text>, Bans the player from the server, pass in 0 for duration to ban forever

sv_unban: <steam id>, Removes the player matching the passed in Steam Id from the ban list

sv_listbans: Lists the banned players

sv_rookieonly: [<true/false>] Toggles rookie_only and changes the server setting

sv_pregamealltalk: [<true/false>] Toggles pregamealltalk and changes the server setting

sv_alltalk: [<true/false>] Toggles alltalk and changes the server setting

sv_dyndns: <adrress>. Set a dynamic dns for the server. Use "" to disable the usage of the dyndns.

sv_reserved_slots: <amount>. Set the amount of reserved slots available on the server.

sv_add_reserved_slot: <name> <steamid>. Adds a new reserved slot for the SteamID specified.

sv_remove_reserved_slot: <steamid>. Removes the reserved slot for the SteamID specified.

sv_p_logall: Starts performance logging

sv_p_endlog: Ends performance logging

sv_autobalance: <true/false> <player count> <seconds>, Toggles auto team balance. The player count and seconds are optional.

Count defaults to 2 over balance to enable. Defaults to 10 second wait to enable.

sv_auto_kick_afk: <seconds> <number>, Auto-kick is disabled when the first argument is 0. A player will be kicked only when the

server is at the defined capacity (0-1).

sv_spawnteams: marinespawnname, alienspawnname, Spawns teams at specified locations. Locations must be exact

sv_installmod: <modid (in hex)> downloads the given mod to the server

sv_setseason: [<None, Fall, Winter, Default>] Sets what season is loaded. Requires map change

sv_setseasonmonth: Overrides the month used for the ByDate season

sv_endgamehive2: <TeamNumber 1 or 2> - Ends the game round

modpanels: Spawn the mod panels again

sv_plus: Sets NS2+ server settings

Pelargir on 23 August 19 02:37


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